Especially when we feel stuck making decisions that are in alignment with who we are is not as simple as it sounds.

In order to make decisions that feel right for us, we need to be well connected to our core values, personal boundaries and the feeling of alignment in our bodies.

Without these things, we may default to making decisions based on the opinions of people close to us, what we think will make everyone happy or what seems most logical. 

Oftentimes, we just want to ‘keep the peace’. We don’t want to disturb anyone, or make people feel uncomfortable.

That ends now.

We do not have to live as smaller versions of ourselves in order to protect how others might feel or react. The more we reconnect to ourselves, the more natural it will feel to make aligned decisions. 

In order to make aligned decisions we need to be clear on: our core values, personal boundaries, and what alignment feels like in the body. 

How Core Values Help Us Make Decisions

Understanding and developing our core values is a very worthwhile process. Values are our guides, inner compass, and starting place. They are a representation of who we are, and the energy we want to embody. Any decision we make should be a reflection of, and align with, at least one of our core values.  

Need some guidance understanding what your core values are?  Sign up for my free email course: Reconnect to Your Inner Compass

How Boundaries Help Us Make Decisions

Our boundaries represent what we will and will not tolerate in our lives, and what we will and will not give our energy to. They are limits we set based on past experiences, present feelings, and future goals.

Boundaries can be set with people, time, social media, and more. They don’t necessarily have to be permanent either. Boundaries may change based on the current focus in our lives. 

How Feeling for Alignment Helps Us Make Decisions

Awareness of sensations in the body is extremely helpful when it comes to making decisions. When we’re faced with a choice, we can check in with how the body responds. Does it feel tense or like something’s closing? Or, does it soften, does it feel open to receiving?

Take some time to observe this feeling with smaller decisions first. We can ask ourselves simple, or mundane questions and notice how the different options feel in our bodies. Then, when we have to make bigger decisions we will feel familiar with what a clear yes or no feels like. 

Making aligned decisions is a practice

Especially when we feel unsure about what to do, making a decision that represents our core values, helps us create appropriate boundaries and feels aligned can be challenging! 

Just because we have these tools doesn’t mean we’ll always get it ‘right.’ All we can do is the best we can in any given moment. 

Remember, making a choice based on your values, boundaries, and responses from the body doesn’t mean it’s the easiest choice. However, it will be the one most in alignment with who we are.