One of the most powerful things you can do for yourself is Reconnect to the essence of who you truly are 

Are you ready to start living unapologetically as your authentic self?

Hey, I’m Leah

I’m an Empowerment Mentor based out of the small surf town Lobitos, Peru.

I help women build inner trust, confidence & connection so they can unapologetically achieve their goals & live life on their terms.

Private Mentoring Program

Surf & Yoga Retreats 

Mentoring Membership

 When I was 23 I moved to Peru to work for a non-profit organization. I thought I’d live here for 1 maybe 2 years. That was over 10 years ago. 

Since then I’ve been initiated into the world of surfing, shamanic plants, & deep intuitive work. 

Wanna hear the rest of my story?

Life is better when it’s lived authentically imperfect

Perfection never existed anyway.

Ditch your tendencies of:

 • People pleasing 

 Putting the needs of others above your own

  • Living according to ‘shoulds’

& Start building the life you want to be living! 

I want you to become obsessed with your life

“Not until you turn to face yourself head-on, confronting one dragon sized fear at a time, can you truly come to know what it means to be empowered and liberated at the same time”

Caroline Myss

With every experience we prioritize:
eating for energy
Your gut health journey
eating for energy

Current Offerings

Private Mentoring

A supportive 9 week program for women who want to live an intentional, mindful and spiritually connected life so they can pursue their goals and live their most authentic lives


All inclusive 8 day retreats in Lobitos, Peru for ocean inspired women. You’ll improve your surfing while deepening your connection to yourself and the sea. 


 A bi-monthly semi private group mentorship for women striving to live in alignment with their higher selves & who are seeking connection, support and accountability.   

What’s New on the Blog

How to Make an Aligned Decision When You Don’t Know What To Do

Making an aligned decision is NOT always as simple as it sounds, especially when we’re not clear on certain things. In order to make a decision that feel right for us, we need to be well connected to our core values, boundaries and the feeling of alignment in our...

3 Simple Tools That I Use to Reconnect with Divine Wisdom 

As spiritual beings having a human experience, we already have everything we need. At our core, we are whole, and instead of pushing ourselves to learn or do more, I think we should do the opposite. In order to reconnect with divine wisdom, I find the more I slow down...

5 Things That Get in the Way of Aligned Living & How to Overcome Them

If you’ve decided you want to create a deeper connection to yourself, live in alignment with your values, and feel free to be yourself: congratulations. Aligned living sounds like it should be easy. In reality, so many of us hold ourselves back from being who we truly...

The Spiritual Practice of Not Settling

On a spiritual path we’re supposed to want for nothing, embrace minimalism and detach from worldly pleasures. At least that was my first impression of living a more connected life. I felt like it wasn’t ok to want more, like I was just supposed to accept anything life...

How to Stop Being a People Pleaser and Live Life on Your Terms Instead 

If you’re constantly making plans you don’t really want to do, saying yes to everyone and often find yourself going along for the ride - this blog is for you. It sounds like you’re a people pleaser. You tend to put the needs of others above your own, and maybe you...

3 Ways I’m Rebuilding Trust with my Body

Over the past couple of months I’ve experienced what feels like a random avalanche of physical health issues. From frequent colds, a 9 day period, dizziness, fatigue and to top it off, and having a small operation to remove a cyst; resulting in having to recover from...

Surfing is Not My Escape

Surfing is not my escape. It’s not a place where nothing else matters. Actually, it’s the place where everything matters. The idea that the ocean and surfing washes away our problems is inherently problematic, at least it is for me.  I didn’t grow up surfing or...

6 Helpful Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Surfing 

To say I had low self confidence when I started surfing would be an understatement. As surfers we are ALWAYS learning - and I'm not just talking about the technical stuff. Our behaviour, mindset, and energy can make a massive difference to how we progress and more...

3 Ways You Can Experience Burnout in Surfing & How to Fix it

Experiencing a period of burnout in surfing happens to the best of us. We experience it for a few different reasons; it is often the result of something going on either physically, mentally, or emotionally. Uncovering the reason behind why you’re experiencing burnout...

How Surfing Saved My Health

Surfing made me realize things in my life needed to change. Between the ages of 23-26 I struggled to learn how to surf. In that time I learnt how to read the waves, understand tides and the etiquette of surfing. I never rode a green wave in those 3 years.  Growing up...