If you’ve decided you want to create a deeper connection to yourself, live in alignment with your values, and feel free to be yourself: congratulations. Aligned living sounds like it should be easy. In reality, so many of us hold ourselves back from being who we truly are. 

Instead, we dedicate ourselves to the needs of others. We become ‘easy going,’ and settle for whatever friends, job, or situations come our way. We don’t want to be burdens, or take up space; better to be liked, and accepted. 

However, if we’re not really being ourselves, we’re not ever truly accepted or liked. A fake version of ourselves might be, but it’s not the real us. Deep down we know that to be true. To be honest, I’ve always been really suspicious of people who are liked by everyone. 

So if you’ve made the decision to change that, I applaud you. It’s not a path without obstacles. 

These are 5 things that get in the way of aligned living:

Caring what other people think of you

If you’re living in integrity with your values, you won’t care if your actions align with others. As long as they align with you – and obviously they aren’t directly or purposefully causing someone else pain or suffering.

Instead of thinking “what will people think of me” ask yourself, “What do I think of me?” 

Not following through on commitments you make to yourself 

If you want to create a more connected relationship within yourself, you need to build self trust. If you constantly break the promises or commitments you make to yourself, how will you ever have confidence and faith in yourself? 

In order to start building this up, start small. Work towards your larger vision by completing daily habits that keep you on the path to reach your goal. 

Not taking time to reflect on how something makes you feel

There are things that feel good in the moment, or for a little while. However their effect on our nervous systems,  emotional or mental health may actually be destructive over time. 

I think it’s important to take time and reflect on how things make us feel overall. Just because something might be pleasurable in the moment, the impact or trade off effects of that thing may not be worth it. That’s up to you, and all you need to do is be present and reflect in your own time. 

Being surrounded by the wrong environment

If your physical space doesn’t reflect or allow for the energy you want to cultivate, that can create a major setback. We need to live in spaces that are energetically clean, spacious and aligned. 

They don’t have to be fancy but in my opinion they should be tidy and allow for energy to flow naturally. The space where you spend most of your time should cultivate a portal for creativity and divine wisdom to flow. 

Your space should lift you up. Decorated with your favorite things, mementos, colors or plants. 

Lack of community 

Human beings thrive on connection. Your community doesn’t have to have the exact same goal as you, we are all human individuals after all. They should have a similar energy and growth mindset. Most importantly be a safe place for you to exist and be yourself. 

Your community doesn’t have to agree with everything you are or do. In fact, it’s probably helpful if they challenge you from time to time. The foundation of any community needs to be love. If you don’t have one that aligns with you, create your own. 

You’re always invited to join us in the Reconnect Community

Aligned living is a practice 

Aligned living is cultivated and nurtured. It doesn’t just happen. Like anything, the more you practice it, the more natural it will feel. Even if that means you do things differently than most people. Your life only has to align for you, your purpose in life is to authentically be yourself. Take some time to reflect on how and where these 5 themes are present for you in your life. Next, take actionsto adjust them.

Additional Resources

For more guidance on how to reconnect to your higher self – sign up for the free email course: Reconnect to Your Inner Compass.

In this course you’ll reflect on your core values, put together aligned actions and discover what’s holding you back from living in alignment.