
A 9 week roadmap to living an authentic & aligned life.

How would it feel to live in complete alignment with what’s in your heart, because you’re finally able to trust in yourself, make decisions with confidence, & follow through with ease?

“Leah is a humble and immensely insightful coach who supports you and your path towards alignment at your own, reflective pace. She shares her knowledge in the field of reconnecting through simple habitual movement and practice that guides you towards your higher self in the smallest, most enlightening ways. If you’ve ever felt that you’ve lost touch with your ‘why,’ your drive, and long to reestablish your purpose again, Leah will undoubtedly support you in reconnecting all of the aforementioned through her coaching journey.”

Rachel Peet

Do you ever experience the feeling of “this just isn’t it

I have! I knew from a very young age that I was different, and that I wanted to live life on my own terms.

For me, this has looked like:  

  • Going vegetarian at age 11, and always eating differently than the rest of my traditional Italian family
  • Moving to Peru at age 23 
  • Founding and operating a not for profit organization in Peru for 5 years 
  • Participating in a 10 day Buddhist Silent Meditation retreat, studying different disciplines of yoga & devotional living for 4 months in India

Beyond the unique decisions I’ve made for my lifestyle, the underlying reason has always been the search for authentic living and living in alignment with my core values. 

Over the Last 7 years, this has manifested as: 

  • Learning to surf & publicly sharing the process 
  • Studying Holistic Nutrition & working as a nutritionist 
  • Practicing and teaching Yoga
  • Participating in 14 day traditional plant medicine retreat 
  • Doing intuitive counseling sessions 
  • Participating in Kundalini Rising Sessions 

Living an aligned and authentic life isn’t reliant on a single practice; it’s about connecting to the essence of who you are, taking actions, making decisions and creating a mindset from that space. 

It’s not 

  • Relying on feedback from others
  • Doing things because you feel you should  
  • Checking things off society’s to do list 

Here’s the thing, we don’t lose ourselves overnight.

Subtly, over years of taking care of others, putting the needs of others above our own, making choices purely based on logic, or disconnecting from our bodies and emotions, we slowly lose touch with who we are. 

I’ve also fallen out of alignment . . .  

 For me living out of alignment looked like:

  • Considering the feelings of others as more important than my own
  • Saying yes to everything 
  • Playing small as to not make other people feel uncomfortable 

 And it felt like I was…

  • Just going through the motions of life 
  • Numb & not able to experience highs or lows 
  • Unable to make decisions and like I was unimportant 

But I found my way back – and you can too!

Start living unapologetically in your authenticity.

Reconnect is a 9 week private coaching program for women who want to live an intentional, mindful and spiritually connected life so they can pursue their goals and live their most authentic lives. 

Do you find yourself. . .

  • Feeling disconnected from who you really are
  • Putting others wants and needs above your own 
  • Have a hard time setting boundaries  

As women, many of us find ourselves people pleasing, caregiving and mothering others before ourselves. 

With the support of Reconnect you’ll be able to: 

  • Make decisions for yourself with confidence – connecting to feedback from your body
  • Have a heightened sense of presence, awareness and spiritual connection in your day to day life
  • Experience a sense of fullness and enjoyment in your everyday life, not just on the weekends or on holidays 

You’ll start living in a way that actually represents who you are at your core.

Reconnect Private Coaching Program Details:

her surf nutrition method

  • Duration of 9 weeks
  • Intake call 60-75 mins
  • Weekly calls 30-40 mins 
  • Weekly Integration homework
  • Unlimited messenger/voice note support between meetings 

The program is entirely virtual and meetings will take place over Zoom. 


$1200 CAD

Payment plan available. 

NEW bonuses! 

Now when you enroll as a private coaching client you’ll also have access to all of the Her Surf Nutrition Method course material. Helpful for anyone looking to boost their energy and improve the quality of their gut health and mindset around food! 

$1297 value 

Here’s what we’ll work on together over 9 weeks:

Weeks 1-3

  •  Intake: review of lifestyle and diet, get clear on your WHY & create big picture vision!

  • Establish your core values  

  • If necessary, begin to correct any imbalances or deficiencies in the diet for optimal energy & digestion

  • Begin taking 1-3 aligned actions daily

Weeks 4-6

  • Refine your aligned actions! Troubleshoot, re-adjust, or add on 

  • Work on creating & honoring boundaries 

  • Develop & embody different ways to live in the energy of your bigger vision
eating for energy

Weeks 5-9

  • Reinforce & recognize new mindset patterns

  • Reconnect with your deeper purpose & spiritual connection 

  • Refine your goals, vision, or aspirations moving forward.

At this point – some clients are happy to continue on their own while others have opted in for another month of sessions – this is up to you and is arranged on a case by case basis.

 Reconnect is for you if: 

You’re tired of your thoughts, decisions and actions NOT aligning with your values

You’re READY feel confident and spend time doing things that light you up 

You want to EXPLORE your spiritual connection to the Universe, God, Source Energy

It isn’t for you if:

You don’t feel ready to commit your time and energy to the calls, and new practices 

You want to stay 100% in your comfort zone 

You’re not up for questioning the status quo

You can think of me as your co-strategizer, accountability buddy & cheerleader all in one.

Somewhere along the way, we got a little lost. 

The good news is, each of us already has everything we need to find our path back to our most authentic and aligned lives. There’s an energy that exists within each of us, and if we slow down and listen closely, we can start to connect back to it. 

I know we’ve been conditioned to accept less, play small, and put others first. 

That changes now. 

As you work on paving your path, I will make sure you’re not only on track, but are doing so in a way that is physically, mentally and emotionally healthy for YOU. 

Go for what you want, don’t settle for what you can get.

nutrition coach

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm nervous to invest in myself ... will Reconnect really help me?

I believe in you and soon you will too. If you make the commitment to showing up for our weekly meetings and following through on your aligned actions – you will start to notice the shift in your energy and it will only improve over time! 

When are the calls?

Since this is a private program you can book in at a time that suits you

Can I speak with someone before I join?

Yes! Email me at or DM me on Instagram @leah.donatiello with any questions!

What is the structure of the program?

We have weekly meetings and you are given agreed upon homework. This will vary but it could be in the form of daily practices, aligned actions, journal prompts or worksheets.

Still not sure?

Let’s chat, send me your questions! 


Instagram @leah.donatiello