To completely heal the gut takes time, however there are things to start doing today that will set you up on the right track long term. In addition to the foods we eat, our behavior around food plays a major role in how well we are able to absorb that food. These techniques will help you overcome uncomfortable issues such as gas, bloating, heartburn, and can even help with loose stools and constipation.  

10 Ways to Heal Your Gut

  1. Digestion starts in the mouth. Make sure to chew your food really well (more than you think you need to). This makes it easier to break down in the stomach and small intestine.
  1. Eat mindfully, not when you’re in a rush or stressed out. Simply pay more attention to the food you’re eating. Eat while you’re feeling calm. Take a moment before you have a meal to sit down and breathe. Sounds simple but it helps put the body in a more parasympathetic state (i.e. rest and digest).
  1. Stress less! Ok easier said than done but  stress directly influences your nervous system, and your nervous system works with your gut. Try adopting stress management techniques into your daily lifestyle such as meditation or breathwork. Exercise and surfing are also amazing ways to destress! 
  1. Try some gentle movement after eating such as walking, or even standing at your desk rather than sitting. 
  1. Consume more foods in the morning or afternoon so they have more time to be digested  before bed. 
  1. Drink plenty of water but not with your meals. Try not to have big glasses of water or other beverages with food as they can dilute your stomach acid which is essential for proper digestion.  
  1. Eat fruit before your meals or as a snack but not right after a big meal. Fruit digests much faster than other foods so it’s a good idea to have it before you eat other foods, rather than afterwards. 
  1. Integrate new foods into your diet slowly, especially high fiber foods like beans and legumes. If you are making changes to your diet by adding in more plant foods, make sure to add those in slowly over time, don’t turn your diet upside down overnight. 
  1. Try fasting for about 12 hours overnight. Leaving a window of time between dinner and breakfast gives your body time to digest and absorb your food from the day and it gets a nice break overnight too. 
  1. Get enough sleep! Adults need anywhere from 7-9 hours of sleep each night for optimal function. Prioritize good sleep hygiene and you’ll see improvements in your digestion. Set up an awesome evening routine to keep you on track.

In order to make these new lifestyle behaviors stick, just start with one or two at a time. Try making them habitual and when they become automatic, start to incorporate another. Don’t get overwhelmed and try to start all of them at the same time. Small changes over time create big results. 

If you’d like some accountability with any of your new health habits, join us in the Community Facebook Group for challenges, tips and support! 

If you’re ready for some 1:1 support, book a 45 minute Pay What You Can nutrition consultation for some personal feedback – no long term obligation necessary!