As spiritual beings having a human experience, we already have everything we need. At our core, we are whole, and instead of pushing ourselves to learn or do more, I think we should do the opposite. In order to reconnect with divine wisdom, I find the more I slow down the more moments of clarity I have. This doesn’t mean I don’t do anything to cultivate these moments, but they definitely don’t come when I’m stressed, anxious or busying myself with ‘to dos.’

In order to experience moments of connection and clarity I find I need to slow down, be present and listen. I need to soften, release expectations, and be open to receiving. These are some of the practices that help me do that. 

3 Practices to Reconnect with Divine Wisdom


I use Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams & David Carson. This is a deck of animal cards that I enjoy using because I’ve always felt a strong connection with animals. I recommend pulling cards as a practice because it is very accessible. It’s almost like a gateway practice. For me, when I don’t feel like I have the patience or time for a longer practice I’ll sit down and draw a card, usually asking the question “show me what I need in this moment” or “what is the lesson in X.” Pulling cards feels grounding to me and can also inspire new perspectives on a situation and prompt a journal session. There are so many decks of cards – I was recommended to pick one that I felt drawn towards so that’s what I did. 


Writing in a journal has only been a practice for me over the past couple of years. I have found it to be extremely helpful for processing emotions, and releasing repetitive or intrusive thoughts. I almost never use journal prompts. I usually start by writing about what’s going on in my life, and asking myself questions . I record the intuitive answers I receive down and anything else that comes up. Sometimes I start with a question that pops into my head and when I’m quiet and present, the answer follows. 


I have found a stillness practice to be irreplaceable – and when I go too long without one I can feel the difference in my mind and body. The great thing is, this can be practiced in a variety of ways. However, if we’re used to constant stimulation it can be hard to get started. One way I practice this is by removing all distractions and going for a walk, or sitting in nature. This means no earbuds, no podcast, music or texting. Simply absorbing the surrounding energy, and noticing what thoughts come up or what the mind might need to process. The second way I practice this is meditation. Sitting in stillness for 5-20 minutes. I don’t listen to a guide or have any special techniques, I observe my body, breath and thoughts… At least that’s the goal. 

There are an abundance of ways to reconnect with divine wisdom. However, I found these three simple practices to be the most accessible for me. They don’t require much planning or effort. I think having options is really helpful. Length of time spent on each one isn’t so important. Consistency over time has had the greatest impact for me.

I hope this helps you discover how to reconnect with your divine wisdom. It’s already who you are, you just need to reconnect to it. 

Need a little help getting started & connecting to your divine wisdom? I’ve created a free mini course to help you get started, check it out here.