There are 10 intuitive eating principles that can help overcome the restrictive/ binge eating cycles that often come along with the holidays. This time of year brings lots of delicious food and quality time spent with family and friends. It can also bring a lot of stress, guilt and time spent indoors. There are three intuitive eating principles that can help make the holidays guit free and fun! 

How to Enjoy Holiday Foods Without a Side of Guilt 

Intuitive Eating Principle: Reject Diet Mentality

This is all about experiencing well being over weight loss. This concept doesn’t mean that weight loss is inherently bad, it’s just asking that you consider other factors in your health. Restricting what you eat at a couple holiday meals and parties isn’t going to derail your progress or your health status. It might make you super stressed and anxious though. So instead of focusing all your attention on food, how else are you supporting your health around the holidays? Are you going for walks, spending time with loved ones, enjoying some time off work? 

Intuitive Eating Principle: Make Peace With Food

It’s time to accept all foods, they all have a purpose. Would Thanksgiving dinner really be as special if you ate the same thing you do every other day? The food you share with your family and friends around the holidays serves the purpose of bringing you together (and it usually tastes pretty good too). This doesn’t mean you have to force yourself to eat anything and everything. This is simply about giving yourself permission to eat and enjoy. 

Intuitive Eating Principle: Feel Your Fullness

Eat a desirable and adequate amount – of whatever you want. Yes, even around holiday foods. Make sure they are things you want to eat, not things you feel like you have to eat because it’s a special occasion. Don’t worry about not finishing the plate. Or on the other hand, going back for seconds or thirds. Instead, focus on eating until you’re satisfied. You can always save some for leftovers. Enjoy the food, and listen to your body. When you realize that you’re starting to feel full, take a break. No one’s taking your plate away. If you feel like going back for more, go for it. If not, eat it the next day. For more tips on how to practice mindful eating check out this blog.

Intuitive Eating is about giving yourself permission to eat and relying on your body’s natural cues to know when to stop. These concepts can be helpful to remember as we move into the holiday season. Take your whole health into consideration, not just the number of calories you’re consuming. Your health is more than what is, or isn’t, on your plate. 

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