Each surf session provides an opportunity to reconnect. A chance to reconnect to yourself, to nature, and to a higher power.

Do you find yourself too busy counting waves and focusing on other people in the lineup to really enjoy your sessions? These techniques will give you breathing room to refocus and recenter yourself so that you can enjoy your time in the water and not let the metrics of surfing bring you down.

Here are three ways I use surfing to reconnect to myself, to nature and to spirit or a higher power. 

Reconnect to Myself 

As you may know, it took me a really long time to get the hang of surfing and feel comfortable in the water. One of the things that helps me center myself before getting in the ocean is a quick visualization and meditation practice. 

After my warm I sit on the beach, close my eyes and try to relax. For me, this helps with anxiety about not being able to breathe during wipe outs. So I there with my eyes closed and imagine myself underwater. As I do this I can feel my heartrate start to rise. I do my best to stay relaxed and repeat to myself, ‘you are ok, you are ok.’

Speaking to myself underwater helps me stay calm and makes everything go by much faster. Another technique I use is counting. I practice slowly counting on the beach and then if I am held under I slowly count the seconds going by. This helps me conceptualize that I actually am not under for that long and I can surely and safely hold my breath for 5-6 seconds. 

These techniques help me relax and enjoy surfing – creating space for a connection to what’s going on in my body and mind. 

Reconnect to Nature

Surfing helps me keep in touch with whatever mother nature is up to. It makes me hyper-aware of the wind, water temperature, power of swell, and tides. This is a connection to nature that I’ve never experienced before I started surfing. The most I’d ever really connected with nature before surfing was checking the weather so I would know what to wear for the day. 

Surfing is able to foster a deep connection with nature because in order to surf a wave there has to be synergy between the surfer and the wave. We are forced to adapt and move with the energy of the ocean. When the ocean isn’t providing the ideal conditions, we often get frustrated.

Since we’ll never win a fight against nature, this is where we need to adapt. We might need to change boards, or get a thicker wetsuit. There’s always a way to strengthen that connection to nature and even enjoy the crappy conditions.  Afterall, they say if you can surf crappy waves, you can surf anything! 

Reconnect to a Higher Power

If you read my blog on surfing and spirituality – you already know I think surfing is a deeply spiritual practice. Surfing can bring out our egos and make us feel incredibly confident one day; and the next day make us feel small and helpless. That’s the power of the ocean.

When we connect with it we connect with something so much bigger and more powerful than ourselves. Our problems are put into perspective and we are reminded of what really matters.

Prana, life force, our breath, is all we need. 

Surfing brings us in direct connection and communication with our breath. Learning how to connect with our breath can help us manage emotions, such as fear, in the ocean. 

Something to try is personifying the ocean. As you walk in the sea, drag your fingers through the water and communicate your gratitude to the ocean. Thank her, ask her to be gentle, and ask anything else you wish for your session.  This can be done through intentional thoughts and deep breaths, or be spoken out loud if you like.

Surfing as a Tool for Reconnecting

In our regular daily lives it can be easy to get distracted and disconnected from our true selves. For me, surfing is one tool that helps me stay grounded in what matters. I use surfing to connect to myself, my body and mind.

The way I surf, and the attitude I have in the water are clear indicators of if I’m eating the right foods, and if I’m in a good headspace. Time in the water keeps me connected and in tune with nature which is how I think humans are meant to live. I know I always feel more vibrant and happy when I spend time in the sea. Feeling connected to a higher power, or something greater than myself makes me feel at peace.

For me, surfing is a health and wellness tool, and I’m so grateful that I didn’t give up when the learning curve felt nearly impossible.

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