Feeling nourished in your body isn’t only about the number of calories you consume each day. When we become present with ourselves and tune into what’s really going on, we can start to interpret exactly what our nourishment needs are. In this YouTube livestream Colin and I talk about the spiritual practice of eating. If we pay attention, our body is sending us signals on what it needs and where we are losing power. Based on the insightful conversation I had with Colin, here are 3 ways we can interpret the nourishment our body is asking for. 

Nourishing your “Sore Spots” 

The first thing we can do is figure out what our sore spots or pain points are. Are you low on energy or experience energy crashes in the afternoon? Do you have a hard time digesting certain foods? Do you deal with bloating and constipation on a regular basis? These are places where you are losing power. A spiritual practice is any act of devotion.

So instead of giving in to these pain points, you can instead think, what does this situation ask of me? Or as Colin would put it – “what of me?” instead of “why me?” 

Nourishing Yourself is an Act of Self Love

We need to nourish ourselves to survive and thrive! If we’re struggling to feed ourselves regularly and provide the nourishment we need, there may be a deeper reason than simple forgetfulness. Fueling yourself is an act of self love. On the other hand we may feed ourselves, but that food may or may not be nourishing. We also receive nourishment in the way we feed ourselves, not just the ingredients on our plates. It’s ok if this is hard sometimes because without some hardship, there is no growth. Start to pay attention to your eating patterns and routines around food.

Are you truly nourishing yourself, or are you feeding yourself just enough to get by? Do you think you deserve to be full of energy, have symptom free digestion and experience a wide range of food and still  feel amazing? 

We are Nourished in Other Ways Besides Calories. 

Grandma’s secret ingredient is love, right? Chances are you’ve experienced the same type of food can make you feel amazing in one scenario and terrible in another. We are nourished by more than the calories and macronutrients in our food. We’re also nourished by things like a sense of community, sacred rituals, a sense of pleasure and indulgence, and gratitude. On the other hand, when we are struggling to ‘digest’ things like stress, new surroundings, or negative feelings about our self worth, we may experience digestive symptoms such as bloating. When we energetically struggle to assimilate what’s going on in our lives our digestive systems struggle too!

Ask yourself, how do I nourish my well being in other ways besides food? Am I struggling to take in something around me right now? What symptoms am I experiencing? 

What You’re Experiencing isn’t a Coincidence 

The experience of  symptoms isn’t inherently wrong or unhealthy. When interpreted from an energetic perspective they can be used as tools to help understand what’s really going on under the surface. Instead of going directly to the supplements aisle, a few reflective questions can help guide the process of understanding and uncovering the issues at hand. 

Persistent symptoms may take time to work through and using a holistic approach can be helpful to break old patterns and develop new healthy habits, rituals and practices that help you feel nourished. If you’re feeling the call towards making that shift I’d encourage you to check out the Her Surf Nutrition Method 12 week coaching program